The 10th Volume

Hello UHS students, teachers and affiliates and welcome to the 10th Volume! Finally back from term 4 and we’re already hitting the double-digits, can you believe it already? Spring has already hit us with some heat and summer’s just around the corner so why not interest yourself in some beach reviews. While you’re at it, how about some unsolved mysteries or even another outfit of the day because you can’t go wrong with that :)

Table of contents

  1. What’s Your Outfit of The Day 2

  2. Did UniHigh Have A Good Holiday?

  3. Before and After: The New School Bathrooms

  4. Unsolved Mysteries of UniHigh: The Missing Door (Part 1)

  5. Beach Review!

  6. The End of an Era

  7. Sports Fever: Can You Guess UniHigh’s Top Passion?

  8. Tearful Farewell

  9. What Kind of Teenager Were You? (ft. Mr Leunig)

Descriptions for each article:

  1. Since you guys liked the first Outfit of the day so much, here’s another! With new clothes, styles and accessories, maybe you could include some of today’s outfits in your own wardrobe.

  2. The holidays are over and we are already back at school, why not distract ourselves by reminiscing back on what happened over the term 3 holidays.

  3. The new all-gender toilets were opened only last week and unsurprisingly, they are already a mess. Even with the giant window overseeing the bathrooms, they are already vandalised. Here are some photos outlining the recent mess, though they are probably outdated by now.

  4. On the quest to find the missing door in room 260, the UBIQUE team’s goal quickly changed when one of their sources shed light on the existence of the room 185. When shown evidence of the sign of the room ‘185’, a wild goose chase ensued to find the mysterious room.

  5. Melbourne’s had quite a hot spring and summer’s just around the corner. With nothing better to do, why not hang out at the beach with friends? In this article, have a look at the best beaches in the Melbourne area.

  6. For people who will be nearing year ten, it can be a bit daunting to know that you will be entering VCE and VET soon. The jump from year ten and eleven is a huge leap and as scary as it is to look into the future, we should also reminisce our memories from our junior years as well.

  7. It is no overstatement to say that UniHigh has a rich sports culture. Many students at the school generally take up sports as their extracurriculars and the UBIQUE team is here to ask; Which year level plays the most sports? Which one is the most popular? And how long have people pursued sports?

  8. We’ve all had our ups and downs at UniHigh, but a tragic ending that repeats every year is our beloved year twelves leaving as they pursue their aspirations. As we near the end of the school year, treasure these last moments with the senior students as they count their days.

  9. A continuation of an ongoing series, the UBIQUE team interviews Mr. Christopher Leunig on what he was like during his teenage years.

Thank you we hope you have a great week!

- The editors of Ubique

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Instagram: @ubiqueuhs


Google Classroom: smyo5x7

Ubique Team