5th Volume, 2024

Hi all, Jasper is usually the one giving out the editor’s notes but his laptop got robbed by 5 ants so you have me (Nhien) to do his job for this issue. With the cover done by me, I am introducing the 4 subschools and will potentially be making short little comics for anybody that enjoys that content. Here, we stepped up our game and doubled the articles and we all hope you enjoy it all!

Psst, I met Jverse.

Here are the articles:

Thanks again for checking out UBIQUE and we plan on making sure this level of quality and quantity stays consistent for the rest of the year. With a creative director managing these articles, I can assure you that you can expect nothing but good content!

If you have any inquiries, comments, problems or feedback, let us know by emailing us directly through our ‘Contact’ page, or messaging us through:

Instagram: @ubiqueuhs

Gmail: ubique@unihigh.vic.edu.au

Ubique Team