an interview with jverse

By Nhien Nguyen, video edited by Wern Lee and Ashna mehra

I will be fully honest, when I first reached out to Jverse, I did not expect him to reply to my DM at all. But as you can tell by the title, he did. His response wasn’t just a casual ‘yeah, sure,’ but he actually seemed pretty excited about it. I was honestly shocked. I mean, here's a guy with a growing fan base across the globe and a busy schedule, and he was not only willing to do talk about where he is now, but is also down to give his insights on this school.

What really stood out to me, though, was how down-to-earth he was. Despite his growing success, he’s still so genuine and relatable. It wasn't just about promoting his next track; it was more like having a real conversation with a person about something we both love — music. By the end of it, I was not only psyched about the interview but also inspired by his passion and dedication. Now may I present to you, an interview with Jverse.

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