Party rockers in the ubique
By Twinkle Raut and Lise Jensen
First place gets $5000 from Twinkle’s and Lise’s wallet
- editor’s note
For nearly a century Ubique has provided entertainment, news, and connection for the community of Uni High, to celebrate this achievement a party is being hosted in Term 4 (exact date tbd), called ‘The 400s’.
The party will have food, games, performances and an awards ceremony with opportunities for anyone who has published an issue to be celebrated.
What’s in this dang partay??
Grab your lolly bags
Grab some delicious food (pizza + drinks + assorted snacks)
Take a seat with your friends
Watch our little Introductory presentation
Participate in some games
Enjoy performances from teachers and students
Journalism Awards ceremony (where you may have a chance to win!!’
You have written any articles this year;
Can be artwork, photography, fiction, a rant, an announcement, ad, Vox Pop, video, interview, podcast, or literally ANYTHING;
You’ve come to 5 UBIQUE meetings (Wednesday lunchtime in 1012) &
You are one the first 10 people to get 100% on the UBIQUE Quizzes (available on compass feed).