ubique: issue 22
Art credit: Jane Le and Juehui Law.
Hola como estas, babies, it’s a new week of school... meaning a new ubique issue is here!
Are we all putting up well? It’s Week 3, Term 4 of school and we bet most of you guys are probably getting sick of your cozy homes and longing to get back to school. The good news is… we’ve done it! Yesterday our premier Daniel Andrews has announced that Melbourne’s 6th lockdown
will be ending on Thursday at 11:59 PM, meaning we’ll be back at school on Friday! Although the details haven’t been released on the specific arrangements of on-site learning, keep an eye on Compass for any notifications.
Another reminder to make sure you guys are getting vaccinated; we’re all eligible now, so go get jabbed!
Other than that, ubique is still looking for some more in-house creatives, such as writers, artists and designers, so if you’re interested in partaking in the production of ubique go ahead and join our Google Classroom (64qotqk) as well as our Discord (https://discord.gg/FFXmndtY). We’ve also realised that we need even more people on our editorial team, but more information and announcements will be released later. All we can tell you now is that we are looking for someone who’s passionate and committed to ubique, so for now we suggest joining our socials and also coming to our weekly meetings! ubique has started having weekly meetings and today’s is at 3:35 PM, so if you’re interested check our Google Classroom for the deets!
Now here’s what you’ve all been waiting for - the articles in issue 22:
To start us off, the Year 10 W.E.P (Writing, Editing & Publishing) class gives us their recommendations of their favourite musical picks, including every genre there is out there (except country, because no one likes country). For you to enjoy, whether you’re still in bed or you’re going for a run.
Juline Lussiana tells us about their… peculiar journey on tackling the art of crochet, or what they like to call it: the art of grandma. Come along and join Juline as they learn how to crochet ;)
Alex Osborne informs us about the cerebral palsy fundraiser, STEPtember, and their quest in taking part for the cause. Although it’s now October, see how Alex celebrated September so you can do the same for 2022’s September.
We all struggle with exams - no one likes them. To save our butts, Annelie Edge gives us a helpful guide detailing her tips and tricks to studying and preparing for the upcoming tough and stressful exam period. Good luck everyone…
Sharing from their personal experience and passion for music, Lin Guan gives us a look into their feelings about music and lockdown and how their perspective on the two dramatically changed throughout covid. Music really is the soul’s remedy, isn’t it?
And finally… the long awaited “Editor Profiles”. Get to know the faces behind the magazine and get to know your dear editors in this article. The twist? Each editor had to write a profile for another… we didn’t get to write our own :( Read our profiles to see what we really think of each other.
That’s all from there is for Issue 22! Just as always, all the articles will be linked down below; make sure to follow us on Instagram (@ubiqueuhs) and leave some comments too! We love hearing your opinions and thoughts on our issues.
Drink water and stay safe; we’re finally seeing the bright end to a dark tunnel!
Happy reading <3
- The Editors of ubique.
If you are interested in having your article published on ubique, don’t hesitate to contact us via Gmail or Instagram. If you are interested in working behind the scenes, join our Google Classroom with the code and our Discord by clicking on the link to our sever below, or send us an email on what exactly you are interested in doing.
Google Classroom code: 64qotqk
Discord: https://discord.gg/6ytydzSJjH
If you have any inquiries, comments or feedback, let us know by commenting down below, emailing us directly through our ‘Contact’ page, or messaging us through:
Instagram: @ubiqueuhs
Gmail: ubiqueteam@gmail.com