The Eighth Volume
Last Week of Term 3!!! Can anyone actually believe that we’re going into term 4, the ubique team absolutely can’t. This fortnight in ubqiue, we are going all out. From nail articles to movie recommendations, we’ve got a variety for UHS this week.
Table of Contents
Sevi was on a quest to get pictures of as many fingernails as possible and before you ask, no it’s not weird. Have a look!
Mr.Crosby, UHS’s very own piano teacher was interviewed by Lily. Take a look at how Mr.Crosby feels being at the school :)
No idea what to do on the holidays, no worries because this article has so many movie recommendations to watch on the break!
Mr.Dorn was teaching at UniHigh for many many years and has sadly retired from teaching. Here Lily has a talk with him about piano!
700’s, what’s really happening about it?
There are so many new students happening at our school, does anyone know how they feel. This articles talks about that so check it out!
Also, isn’t this week’s front cover amazing? The students of UHS made these artworks, everyone is so talented!
Join our discord ( or google classroom (64qotqk). We always want to see some new art, photos and article ideas! Come and join!