Artwork by Miranda Burnett.
Are you guys ready for the holidays? Because we certainly need a break…
This term has felt long and rather tiresome but we’re at the end and (most of us) get to (for the most part) have a much-needed rest. There isn’t really much to say here so we’ll keep it short. We hope that you can all get the rest you need in the coming weeks so that you can come back ready for school (which will hopefully be in person but it’s not looking likely).
With that said, we’ll see you all next term. =]
For this week, we’ve got 4 articles to bring you all:
We’ve got the winner of the Year 10 LIT short story competition, written by the amazing Zifa Tanner-Kamal.
The Writing, Editing & Publishing class shares their picks for shows that they would recommend you watch over the coming holidays.
Mason Johns look’s into the history of the Vietnam war and the way that the public (and more specifically the student body of Uni-High) responded to the events that unfolded during the time, in yet another piece of history, from the archives.
That’s all from us for this Issue 20! With the articles, we are also continuing to publish the Year 9’s magazines from their competitions. So that each magazine has the time and space to be individually enjoyed, we’ve picked out 12 magazines for this week which can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding cover in the gallery below. That said, more magazines will be on the way in the future and once all of them have been published, they will all be made available on one large page so that people don’t have to go individually searching for them. And of course, our articles are linked below for you all to enjoy.
For frequent updates, remember to follow us on Instagram @ubiqueuhs !!
Happy reading =)
- The Editors Of Ubique
Short Story: The Red House
TV Show Recommendations For The Holidays
From The Archives: Ghosts Of Uni-High Past
If you are interested in having your article published on UBIQUE, don’t hesitate to contact us via Gmail or Instagram. If you are interested in working behind the scenes, join our Google Classroom with the code below, or send us an email on what exactly you are interested in doing.
Google Classroom code: 64qotqk
If you have any inquiries, comments or feedback, let us know by commenting down below, emailing us directly through our ‘Contact Us page, or messaging us through:
Instagram: @ubiqueuhs
Gmail: ubiqueteam@gmail.com