private vs Public
Why do Private schools do better than public schools?
By: Aylin Melek Tasci
As you may know, students who come from private schools receive better grades than students who come from public schools. Private schools are better taken care of and have harsher consequences placed so that students are pushed to learn and ace their classes. It is no secret that almost all students in private schools come from wealthier backgrounds and also have higher expectations set on them than public school students.
My cousin goes to a private school, but she doesn’t come from as wealthy a background as other students might, and her family doesn’t set high expectations for her.
But, the high expectations set on other students who come from wealthier backgrounds get more pressure put onto them which affects how hard they try as they are expected to succeed in everything. .
“What if i mess up”,
“Awh, Crap. I got 92% on my maths test, my mum's going to be mad at me.”
And not only expectations, money plays a big part too.
Most parents of private school kids can afford multiple private tutors for their child to exceed in their studies even if they might not want or need them and prefer to do it on their own.
All schools share the same rules but not the same punishments. It also depends on the teachers. If a rule like ‘no talking’ is broken in class, teachers would most probably just separate the students talking or warn them, but some stricter teachers might hand out detentions. Private schools tend to hire teachers they believe would be stricter, and those teachers might give detention instead of just separating the students.
Either way, each punishment wouldn’t affect their schoolwork. If a student got detention, they’d be doing school work in detention. If students got separated, they’d be doing their schoolwork instead of talking.
The results for better grades in private schools isn’t only caused by the students or their families, it is also caused by the school. Private schools get the luxury of picking whoever they want to come to their school because they are private. For example, a selective school can pick people who they think are the best for the school and will pick a bunch of students who come from wealthy or ‘brainy’ backgrounds to make up their school. As a result, the school will receive better results compared to public schools who basically let anyone into the school because they simply have to.
You may know someone who doesn't come from a wealthier background or have parents who are lawyers or doctors, but they might go to the school just because their parents thought it would be better for them than a public school.
Which could be true , or they might be going there because their parent is a teacher at the school, they might still receive better grades than what they did when they went to a public school without any of the privileges like private tutors and/or wealth.
At private schools the teachers the school hires are also almost always the best ones you can find. Like ones that have years and years of experience, ones that taught various lectures in universities, ones with amazing communication skills and patience. While public schools hire any teacher that has a teaching degree because public schools are usually pretty understaffed.
Why do private schools do better than public schools? Because of wealth, parents' high expectations, stricter teachers and where students live. Big exams like NAPLAN or ATAR results determine them but just because a school gets better results than another school, doesn’t mean they are the best school to go to.