Welcome Back Everyone, To The New Issue of Ubique! :D
It’s Week 7 of Term 3, and we’re back with our 6th issue of the term. Lockdown has been taking its toll on everyone, including our UBIQUE team, and to be completely honest, everyone is feeling super demotivated and tired :(
However! Something exciting has caught our eye and lifted our spirits… it’s Book Week!!! Our amazing librarians have reached out to UBIQUE with a mission - to celebrate Book Week from home as best as we can! Since we’re all about books, UBIQUE said yes immediately and went to work… and we’re happy to present with you 2 feature articles:
A book review prepared by our team on our favourite books (we lied… there’s one slightly negative review), but with a twist - they’re book profiles :) Who wants a boring summary when it takes you 2 seconds on Google to find that??
A collection made by our brilliant English teachers on the books that “made” them who they are today. Interesting… Well, if you ever wondered what your English teacher read in their free time when they’re not analysing Hamlet, this is the article for you :D
We’re also using Book Week to kickstart a new series on UBIQUE which will likely continue onwards alongside everything else for the foreseeable future. You may be wondering what we’re talking about, well we’ll tell you what it is. We are, of course, talking about the Year 9 magazines. Essentially (and some of the older students will likely remember doing this project themselves), all of the Year 9 classes worked towards creating lots of one-off magazines for an assessment task, which we’ll be publishing for everyone to see and (hopefully) enjoy. In other words, this was actually a secret ploy by us here at UBIQUE the whole time, so that we could outsource our jobs to a bunch of children.
We only jest. After all, they are but a year younger than us editors. Plus, they make up a surprisingly large amount of our readers and we wouldn’t want to offend them too much. o_o
That’s all from us for this issue of UBIQUE. So that each magazine has the time and space to be individually enjoyed, we’ve picked out 8 magazines for this week which can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding cover in the gallery below; you can also access UBIQUE’s book reviews in this way, whilst our article from our English teachers can be accessed by link as usual. That said, more magazines will be on the way in the future and once all of them have been published, they will all be made available on one large page so that people don’t have to go individually searching for them.
For frequent updates, remember to follow us on Instagram @ubiqueuhs !!
Happy reading =)
- The Editors Of Ubique
The book that made me
ig book week feature:
book recs from uhs’ teachers
more book recs from our library crew
If you are interested in having your article published on UBIQUE, don’t hesitate to contact us via Gmail or Instagram. If you are interested in working behind the scenes, join our Google Classroom with the code below, or send us an email on what exactly you are interested in doing.
Google Classroom code: 64qotqk
If you have any inquiries, comments or feedback, let us know by commenting down below, emailing us directly through our ‘Contact Us page, or messaging us through:
Instagram: @ubiqueuhs
Gmail: ubiqueteam@gmail.com