How To: Face Masks
By Mily Gu
Welcome to a new section of Ubique, called ‘How to:’
As you may have heard, face masks are compulsory in Victoria. This may seem like rocket science to some or common sense to others, but face masks are essential to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, talks or sneezes, they could release germs into the air that may infect others nearby. Face masks are part of an infection control strategy to eliminate cross-contamination.
To understand why face masks are crucial, we must first understand how the virus spreads. Once the virus has infected someone, the virus responsible hijacks their cells to replicate itself. As it multiplies, these new virus particles then burst out of the cells and become suspended in the bodily fluids in our lungs, mouth and nose. When an infected person coughs, tiny droplets that contain the virus (aerosols) fly through the air and can land on, and infect others around you.
It is suggested by scientists that in the right conditions, the virus can linger in the air for several hours and still infect people if breathed in. And in indoor environments, they seem to be particularly prone to spreading through the air.
Nonetheless, wearing a face mask is necessary during these unprecedented times. Here we have compiled a few websites that can teach you how to make cloth face masks both with and without a sewing machine! (so you have no excuse not to have one)
Links for more info: