Just Be Ridiculous
Written by Grace Hessian
Just Be Ridiculous
So many famous artworks will never be painted, gripping stories never be written and heart-felt songs never played because far too many talented people are scared of what they can achieve. Every day we see talented artists shy to show their work and incredible writers afraid to speak but I cannot even fathom why they want to hide their beautiful creations! Of course, we are all nervous to put a bit of ourselves on display but we’re letting that nervousness hide too much of ourselves. I think that more people should be more comfortable in the fact that you are going to look silly or seem like an idiot sometimes. It’s just a fact. Too many people fear the ridiculous.
Last year, I decided that whenever I did not want to do something (like argue a point I believed in or show off an essay I wrote) I would try to ask myself “why are you afraid to show people what you think?” Normally the answer would be that I would be afraid someone would disagree with me or they would respect me less because of what I said. If it was because of these reasons, I wanted to be able to dispel these fears. Why should I be afraid to voice my opinion or share work that I took pride in with another person? Why am I placing my self-worth in people who may not even respect me?
Fear and shame have so seeped into our lives that we do not even notice their presence. Many mistake them for modesty – a very admirable quality to be clear- but they mask themselves and most people deny they even have them. This negativity shows up as doubt, hesitation and paranoia. Fear and shame are habits that must be recognised and undone, and I believe the best way to do so is to embrace the ridiculous. By accepting that you will sometimes look odd, you can let go of the pressure to constantly do well. You are human! You make mistakes! This is unavoidable, but more tolerable when you realise that mistakes aren’t reason not to attempt something.
Life is just more fun when you don’t apologise for existing or for thinking the way you do. Instead, just take pride in your decisions or opinions. Life can become more about how you want to better yourself and your relationships with other people, rather than apologising for existing and being afraid and ashamed of your life that you have worked hard on. Take pride in every part of your existence, whether it be schoolwork or your makeup, your art or your relationships with other people. Show off your life and what you have worked hard for because you deserve to feel good about it.
Fear is temporary but the regret that comes from not taking chances is absolutely permanent. Be ridiculous. You only have so much time on earth, why would you ever waste it?