The New Teacher
By Hilary Lam & Yarongruo gan
Ms Berresford and her gleaming smile!
As more and more students are enrolled in the school more staff and teachers are needed. This year has been a fresh start, as there are a lot of new teachers and students. We have decided to interview our school's new teachers for their first impression of the school.
Mrs Emma Berresford has agreed to work with us for this interview. Mrs Berresford is a lovely 29 year old woman, who teaches two year 8 Renaissance classes, one year 10 science class, year 11 chemistry as well as year 12 Extended Investigation.
Mrs Berresford came from ACT. So for her, the VCE system, especially for year 12, is maybe a little bit more restrictive than what the ACT one is. And that it pushes the students to practice written learning or written learning a little bit more, whereas she thinks the ACT system lets students discover a little bit more, or figure things out on their own.
Her honest opinion is that this school has been so incredibly supportive, she loves her colleagues. Everyone has been so helpful in helping her to become the best teacher that I can be for her students because she believes that her students deserve the best possible teachers. Mrs Berresford’s students have been amazing, she has never met a student that she couldn’t connect with at some level. She thinks her students are respectful and kind. Mrs Berresford loves her job as a teacher at University High School.
It was scary and intimidating for Mrs Berresford on her first day. It was only because she cared a lot about wanting to do a really good job for her students and so she wanted to make sure she was doing the best that she could, but everyone was kind and supportive. So as far as experiences go, pretty positive.
She came from Canberra and moved to Melbourne. She knew nothing about the school previously, so it wasn’t like she was seeking them out. However,since coming to uni high and learning about the school and the reputation that it has and how great the science program is, she feels so lucky that she ended up in this school. Mrs Berresford said that she could have had a very different experience if I wasn't in a place that was as supportive as uni high or had as great students as uni high does.
While she enjoys teaching and connecting with her students she also said that the school is very big for her. “For me, I like being able to build relationships with my students and I take pride in trying to remember my students' names and know a bit about them and to say hello to them. I wish I could be in a school where I walk down the corridor and pretty much know most of the students and be able to say hello to them because I think it would make students feel like they were part of a community. I think maybe that’s the thing I don't like about uni high; it’s too big.”
That was the end of Mrs Emma Berresford's interview.