The Day The Musical Died

Written by Zifa Tanner-Kamal

The 2020/21 Uni High musical Pippin is probably something you could call a ‘cursed’ production. From having the production moved forward a year, to being locked down while on camp, to having the show devastatingly cancelled (or just postponed?) on opening night. What was that like? Well, it seemed to come out of nowhere… 


10 am: We arrived at the clocktower without a care in the world. Some people had heard there’d been a couple cases but no one dreamed that it would have any impact on the production. Some whispers started circulating - that maybe we would be getting locked down soon. I joked to Alicia, the stage manager - wouldn’t it be awful if we didn’t get to do tomorrow and Saturday's performances. I joked.

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2 pm: A few hours down the line and things were looking worse. It looked like opening night would be closing night as well. At least we still get to do the show once?

4 pm:  We sat in the green room crowded around the asm’s computer, waiting for the press conference that would announce whether we would get our show, or had to go home before eight that night. We were definitely breaking the density limits, but it was a dark time.

4.15 pm: It was official. The show was cancelled. It was a sad scene. People cried, people hugged, people spontaneously broke into song. Generally the kind of stuff you would expect if a high school musical got unexpectedly cancelled. With [..], we were told to leave everything exactly as if we would be coming back tomorrow. 

So, what now? After literal years of hard work, is Pippin really null and void? Is Pippin 2022 already in the works? Or is there a chance the show is still going ahead.

Well, here's the exciting news folks - when I approached Pippin’s musical director Kate O’Callaghan for a statement on the cancellation of Pippin she was very quick to correct my language.  

“We’re not cancelled yet, we’re just postponed and there is planning for new dates in the works which I’ll share with students very soon.” She said. This is her statement:

“This has honestly been one for the books. In my many years of running Musical Production at Uni High, never have I had a year like this. Never have I officially sheltered in place with 80 students while on musical camp, returning to a nearly abandoned school, and straight into remote teaching with the future so unknown, yet ever hopeful. And in what feels like very similar circumstances, going into a snap lockdown with only a couple of hours notice on what was to be our opening night. The funny thing is, what I noticed between the tears on that night when most of us were reeling from shock, was how much gratitude everyone had; just for what we had, just to be involved. It was truly touching. Musical production is one of the most meaningful programs a student or teacher can have the privilege of being involved in. What we have achieved this year is remarkable and every single person involved has each had their own contribution to making this so incredible. Despite the challenges, I wouldn't stop doing [the] musical for a minute, it's just too special. The fact that we are still here, still fighting for our day on the stage is testament to just how important this program is.”


In the meantime, seeing as we’re still very much locked down, I thought I’d share with you some of the thoughts and feelings of the students, and some photos of the time we did have at the clocktower (no spoilers I promise).

What was your reaction to the lockdown announcement?

Mia Gionfriddo (Fastrada): I mean I was pretty devastated, cause we came so close to performing only to get locked down only hours before the show.

DK Doan (Costumes Captain):  I felt disappointed, and it was so sad to see everyone — especially in the cast — cry.

Jade Bohan (Costume Crew):  Kind of saw it coming with it being in the news before the lockdown was official, so annoyed.

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Grace Hessian (Assistant Stage Manager): Given that we’d gotten so close to putting on a show, the last thing on my mind was a potential lockdown so during the press conference, i was just shocked that we were even in that situation.

Josh Chuah (AX Op):  Okay, so I was thoroughly disappointed that we missed out on the first performance because the lockdown was at 8pm not 12am.

Anaiis Tucker-Ahkin (Backstage Crew): I found out it was a possibility that we would be going into lockdown that night during the last dress run before the show, and everything suddenly felt very heavy. When it was announced, it felt like someone had taken a massive blow at us, after everything we’d done to make this production happen and then we weren’t even able to show it to the world. When we all came together onstage it felt very bittersweet, people were crying but we also felt so connected and we were all there for each other.

Michael Streader (Band): When I first heard the rumour earlier in the day that there had been 6 cases and we were likely going into lockdown that night I almost dismissed it as just a rumour because it wasn’t “official” yet. I guess I just didn’t want it to be true. Then about an hour later it was official, and I didn’t really know what to think. Everyone was really sad and so was I, but then again, at least we got as far as we did, and I was glad to have had at least some of the experience. I think the cruellest part was that if the lockdown had started just four hours later, we would have been able to do the first show.

What were you most disappointed about?

Mia: I’m super super disappointed that we didn’t get to show everyone the show after working on it for so long, I think that’s the worst part.

DK: It was very disappointing to feel the energy go from super bubbly excitement to spirit crushing grief, especially because lockdown was announced 2 hours before the first show was meant to start.

Jade: I was disappointed about not being able to see the final product pull together and also for the seniors since this is their last music(al).

Grace: I think I was most disappointed about [the] work put into props and costumes that may not get to be used.

Anais: I think for me, obviously the fact that we might not be able to show everyone the amazing product of all the work everyone has put in these past few months, and missing out on the thrill and excitement of show night. But I am also equally as disappointed about not being able to spend more time in that environment with people who do end up feeling like a sort of family: crew, cast, band and teachers. Though I do still hold hope that we will be able to perform it in future.

Michael: Everything there is to be sad about not performing. I’d never been in the musical before, so I was excited about seeing how everything worked in a performance with the (small) audience. I was also disappointed about not getting to play in the atmosphere of a performance with all the amazing people and musicians in the pit.

 Who’s your favourite character in pippin?

Mia: Probably Theo, cause he’s really fun, and Camilo plays him so well.

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DK: Catherine, the ‘cottagecore goddess’ because I made her dress and so I'm super attached to her character!

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Jade: The king, ‘Charles’ is my favourite.

Grace: My fav character is Fastrada because she’s the only character who’s not a sulky bitch.

Josh: My favourite character is Pippin, because he sings ‘Morning Glow’.

Anais: It’s so hard to choose one; everyone did such an incredible job. I have to say I adored watching King Charles and Berthe, both in the talent of the actors playing them and also in their loud character. They both have very boisterous and comedic personalities and it’s so much fun to watch.

Michael: I think Pippin’s grandmother would have to be my favourite character. She’s got a bit of attitude; some witty lines and she’s not involved in anything sketchy like killing the king. My favourite song (maybe because I’ve got a bit of a solo in it) would be ‘I guess I’ll miss the man’ which is sung by Catherine, so she’d be up there too. Oh, and the duck, you can’t not love the duck.


It’s been a tough few weeks, but there’s an end in sight. Hang in there, my friends. There's magic to be done yet.


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