Vox Pops pt.2 - August
Interviewed by Shan Balakid (2) and Ruwan Jinadasa (1)
What exactly is a ‘Vox Pop’? Vox Pops are informal interviews with the students and community of University High School. For privacy reasons we have decided to keep the identity of each participant anonymous.
In this issue’s Vox Pop, we list different Netflix recommendations, spiritual realisations as well as which Kardashian students identify as. Don’t forget to read the last issue’s Vox Pops for more!
Q1: Do you have any music recommendations?
P1: General songs?
Interviewer 2: Yes
P2: I don’t have one particular song but listen to the ‘Love, Simon’ soundtrack
Q2: If Corona was a famous person, who would it be?
P1: Hmm let’s see… Corona is annoying and spreads everywhere and manages to be in everyone’s news… Scomo - annoying everyone
P7: Trump
P5: ... Me. Actually no, P7
P7: *Gasps* Ugh! Rude
P5: Because you spread it into my heart <3
Q3: Which Kardashian do you identify as?
P1: Uh N/A
Interviewer 1 & 2: Hahaha
P2: Just, just say Kendall
P3: NO!
Interviewer 1: I hate her. I hate her the most *giggles*
P3 & 4: NO! NO! Don’t say her
Interviewer 1: She annoys me, how does she not annoy you?
P3: It’s not about you you’re the interviewer!
P1: Shush this is so biased
P7: Kourtney. I love Kourtney - such a sassy queen
P5: I… don’t know
P7: I love Kourtney - such a sassy queen
P5: Kourtney. Um Khloe
Q3: How would you describe Corona in 3 words?
P3: Uh… Stay indoor dummies
Interviewer 2: That’s...
P4: That’s 4 words
Interviewer 2: Nah that’s actually 3 words
P4: Wait is ‘indoors’ actually one word?
Everyone: YES!
Q4: Do you have any Netflix recommendations?
P5: Hell yes... So I have Korean Dramas. We’re going to start with P6’s favourite drama which is ‘Psychometric’?
P6: ‘He is Psychometric’. I’d rate it 9 out of 10 - I’m so attached to the characters
P7: Get the American VPN for Netflix and watch ‘Agents of Sheild’
P8: I recommend ‘The Good Place’ it’s really good.
P5: Moving onto Chinese Dramas I have ‘Love O2O’. It’s about this girl and she’s very pretty but she’s a gamer girl - so that’s 10 times hotter
He is Psychometric
Q5: Have you have any spiritual realisations?
P8: I’ve realised that life has a purpose
P5: You know my Snapchat story? Do you remember what I posted?
Interviewer 2: Oh yes I remember seeing that
P5: What is the biological significance of human life?