Vox Pops!
Interviews were done by Ajna, Dante and DK
YEARS 7 - 12
*** NOTE! student 1 is not the same student the whole interview, we just ordered the responses randomly!
Do you have any Netflix/movie recommendations?
Student 1: I just started watching this Turkish show called Black Money Love, you can put English subtitles on, it’s pretty good, pretty dramatic. English shows? Orange is the New Black.
Student 2: I would recommend any Miyazaki films, because they’re really, like, peng. They’re really pretty! And it makes me happy. And they’re really cute.
Student 3: Extracurricular, and Stranger.
Student 4: Uhh, Enola Holmes
Student 5: Hot Summer Nights was really good
Student 6: 365 days
Student 7: Community
Whats the weirdest dream you can think of that u had during lockdown
Student 1: Chile, I can’t remember my dreams that far back.
Student 2: One of my teachers came to my house and hit me. And then I went to court. I think it was Mr Wittick? And he doesn’t even teach me. And then I took him to court and I got a lot of money.
Student 3: I remember a dream, but it was a very normal dream. I was in a tree in my grandma’s house, and it was like a zombie apocalypse. I survived. But I don’t remember much.
Student 4: I DON'T DREAM
Student 5: ok so, i was in a bus and i was with my best friend and i was with someone else and we were going along in the bus but then the bus fell off a cliff and then we were in like a bubble bath but like i wasn't in th- i was in the bubble bath but i couldn’t tell we were in a bubble bath and there was and there was a goldfish but instead of being outside the thing but it was actually inside so it was just flopping around (...) AND THEN, SOMEONE CAME OUT OF THE FISH AND IT WAS JUST FLOPPING AROUND, THEN IT DIED, AND IT WAS E!
Student 6: I had a dream last night that I came to school in a tuxedo. i was like “Why am i in a tuxedo?” I specifically wore these shorts, and this shirt, like “oh not again!”
Student 7: oh, uh, that i was being followed by this kid from my kindergarten but he was grown up, and I didn’t even like him, we weren’t even friends, it was so weird
Which teacher did you miss the most?
Student 1: None of them. Do you think I miss any part of the school bro, I only miss my friends!
Student 2: I didn’t miss any of them, lowkey. They’re really chat. Like lowkey didn’t miss any of them
Student 3: I guess Mr Simkin, cos he left.
Student 4: Mr. Tran
Student 5: MR WONG
What’s your favourite celebrity to make fun of/shame?
Student 2: J.K Rowling
Student 3: Donald Trump is a celebrity isn’t he??
Student 4: Do I really pick on any celebrities? I just pick on people.
Student 5: I don’t make fun of any celebrities.
Student 6: Tay Money. Her lips don’t touch together
Student 7: oh god, i hate so many, um, all trump supporter celebrities, and um, oh Ben Shapiro i hate him
How would you describe you’re quarantine in 3 words
Student 1: Chat, happs, fun.
Student 2: not too bad, it’s aight.
Student 3: They,,, forgot,,, my lunch,,,, no wait that's four-
Student 4: Relaxing, sleep, boring.
Student 5: well there were 3 stages, the depression stage, the productive stage, and the anxious stage
How do you feel about seeing year 7s again?
Student 1: good on them
Student 2: why are they so small?
Student 3: I don’t really care. They’re really little. They’re just fun to look at.
Student 4: I don’t like seeing them. Not a fan, yeah.
Student 5: uh,,,,,, funny?
Green or red apples?
Student 1: yes
Student 2: red
Student 3: pink lady
Student 4: No apples. Apples are chat.
Student 5: Red apples because I haven’t had green in a long time.
What’s one food shop that you’re most excited to eat again
Student 1: this place, called, um, mayday
Student 2: La Porchetta
Student 3: does the Bunnings sausage sizzle count?
Student 4: I want [DK’s] mum’s cooking again. I do like some Laksa King, but it was open during quarantine, so I wasn’t really suffering.
Student 5: Oh my god, that Taiwanese restaurant near QV. That Taiwanese restaurant, so good.
Student 6: I don’t eat out much. I guess… It's like a restaurant in Sunshine? Cố Dô.
Student 7: uh, Maccas?
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What do you do with the elephant?
Student 1: EAT IT
Student 2: I’d keep it as a zoo animal, make it do tricks, make it wear a little hat or something and people could pay to see it.
Student 3: Can I give it to a zoo but still have ownership over it? I guess that’s what I’d do.
Student 4: Eat it with my family.
Student 5: oh, well, I do not touch the elephant, I want to put it back into the wild obviously, touching it could be dangerous
If you were one item from Maccas, what would you be
Student 1: a plain sundae
Student 2: FILLET-O-FISH
Student 3: I don’t know. I feel like a soft serve, cos I’m icy.
Student 4: I’d be a frozen coke, cos I’m cheap.
Student 5: I guess I’d just be a cheeseburger. One of the common people.
Student 6: oh uh, soft serve? That sounds fun
What was it like to do VCE during lockdown?
Student 1: Pretty bad but like also not that bad.
Student 2: Oh it was so much fun. It felt like I didn’t have to do anything. It was very much laid back, no work, just chill at home, have a nap.
Student 3: There was no change.
Year 9 Interviews
Q1: What are you looking forward to doing when restrictions completely ease?
Interviewer 1:
P1: Sleepovers with my friends, with you guys, love youuuu
All nod and agree
P2: Going to people’s houses, sleepovers and seeing family that are out of town
Q2: Imposter or crewmate?
P3: Crewmate
Interviewer 1: *in disbelief* Crewmate?!
P3: I get too scared when I’m imposter, I’m shaking
Q3: You find $50 on the floor at our school, what do you do?
P1, P2, P3: Keep it
P4: Leave it on the floor.
Q4: When at the movies, what is one thing you must order?
P2: Popcorn and M&M’s
P3: Nothing, it’s too expensive
P4: Just hide everything in your bag
Q5: Do you have recurring dreams?
P2: Yes, all the time
Interviewer 1: Can you explain?
P2: Oh, no thank you.
P4: I killed Albert Einstein once
Q6: Would you win an arm wrestle match against me?
P1, P2, P4: Yes
P3: Probably not
Then we test it and I lose.