Teacher Tag: Mr. Coyle
By Ruwan and Greta
I: Where did you go for high school?
Mr Coyle: I went to a school called Padua college. Which is on the Mornington peninsula and I went to the Rose bud campus for years 7-10 and then for VCE (11-12) I went to the campus in Mornington.
I: What is your best memory from high school?
Mr Coyle: I think the friends and relationships I made. Yeah, they were great.
I: What were your favourite subjects in high school?
Mr Coyle: My favourite subjects were outdoor education and P.E. But I really enjoyed maths methods.
I: Did you ever aspire to be a maths teacher?
Mr Coyle: Sometimes I wish I was a maths teacher because it’s a direct right or wrong answer, it’s yes or no. But I really enjoy teaching P.E.
I: Who were your role models in high school?
Mr Coyle: I think that the role models I looked up to in High school were probably some of my favourite teachers and that probably originated from the subjects that were my favourite. There were a couple of sport stars as I was a big Carlton fan (ummm, go North Melbourne) so at that stage Stephen Silvagni, and Stephen Kernahan.
I: Did you have any siblings in high school?
Mr Coyle: Yeah, I had a sister who was two years younger than me.
I: At some point, were you her role model?
Mr Coyle: Absolutely, I was definitely her role model. So sometimes good and sometime not so good. But she learns from my mistakes. We are much better friends now then we were in high school. I think thats what happens with most siblings.
I: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Mr Coyle: I still play football, I play for a club but when I am not doing that, spending time with my family, especially now that I have a new baby daughter named Georgia. I like to go surfing and I like to play golf.
Baby daughter Georgia
I: How old is your baby daughter?
Mr Coyle: She was one month on the 1st of September.
Will you ever bring her in to school?
Mr Coyle: Yeah, I will because my partner is Ms. Gannon and she’s been teaching here for pretty much the same amount of time as me. She teaches health and P.E., same as me.
I: Where are some places that you have been to?
Mr Coyle: I have been to Europe, mainly western Europe and New Zealand, to Japan, to Southeast Asia, to Taiwan and Thailand and Hong Kong.
I: Were some of those trips for sporting activities?
Mr Coyle: I have always done some kind of sporting activity there, whether it be a hike, or I did a surfing trip to Taiwan and that was pretty cool because I didn’t think I would have ever gone there. I have been to Central America and throughout the whole trip, I did some white-water rafting, zip-lining and hiking and stuff like that.
I: That sounds like fun. Now for some questions about Georgia, Does she have much hair yet?
Mr Coyle: She came out with a bit of hair which was surprising. Her hair is dark brown. Her name is Georgia, and her Middle name is Gannon and then it is Coyle. Kelly and I aren’t married yet so that’s the reason her surname is there.
Ms. Gannon with Georgia
I: Does she make any specific sounds?
Mr Coyle: Pretty much she is either quite placid and quiet or she is crying so we know she either needs to be changed or to be feed. So we are very familiar with her cries.
I: Have you bought any outfits for her?
Mr Coyle: We have bought a couple but people have given so many gifts, people are very generous. Everyone has been incredibly supportive. And so have the students, they have been asking a lot of questions.
Georgia’s first day from the Hospital
Thank you so much Mr. Coyle for taking the time to do the interview.
Note: Suggested Teacher Tags will be completed in the following weeks and we will then revert to asking the teacher to tag the following interviewee.