The Debate Club Turns 2!
Well I thought game dev club was only allowed to be advertised here! Joking, of course. Debate club is great, I’d really recommend it, the people there are really kind.
-editors note
by Spencer OCONNOR
The debate club is known schoolwide as a figurehead of the UniHigh club scene, and recently this club has turned 2!
The debate club came from humble beginnings, the original debate club had disbanded in 2021 after the previous club leaders had left the school, and so while the interschool debate competition was still running for students of UniHigh, there was no club to guide them. Enter Spencer O’Connor and Coach Varns, who along with the students already in the debate competition, got to work to rebuild the once great UniHigh debate association.
2022 saw the rise of the debate club from a small group to a cohort of over 15 regular members, some of the first of which included Naomi Morcos, Jaime Knight, Lucas Yang and Phil Kyaw, and later on the addition of Joshua Hill and Beatrice Guantai, all of whom helped shape the club as it is today by painstakingly showing up to each meeting and helping to organize events and schedules.
It was during 2023 - 2024 that the debate club first started entering competitions as a group, aiming to allow students to easily access the world of debating and public speaking. The debate club has since participated in the vast majority of competitions organized by the Debating Association of Victoria, and plans to continue with these large inter school debates, as well as hosting debating competitions within the school.
Ultimately, the goal of the debate club has always been to help students better their abilities in public speaking and forming intelligent arguments, as well as to be fun for participants. The club has gone through many changes, but we do not plan to stop!
If you’d like to be a part of the world of debating, the debate club hosts meetings every Tuesday lunchtime in room 609!
An unused poster made by Josh for a soapbox event in 2023
The first round of the DAV debate competition at Haileybury, 2024